Based On A True Story

This Could Happen In Your Office

253110 - Are You Hacker Proof?

Course Time: 120 Minutes  |  CLS Credit: 2   |  Intermissions: 1-15 Minutes Location: Onsite/Online

Description:   Are You Hacker-Proof? - One of the greatest laws in America is “attorney - client privilege”, which gives the attorney a great amount of responsibility.  Did you know that 90% of law firms outsource their IT work? Did you know that 84% of corporations that get hacked or had data stolen, is by an employee inside the company? Did you know about the law firm that was in a hundred-million- dollar transaction and an IT contractor for the law firm was found forwarding all email correspondence and documents to the opposing law firms? This CLE will help attorneys figure out if their networks, client records and client/attorney communications is secure. 

Did you know:

  • Did you know that 90% of law firms outsource their IT work?
  • Did you know that 84% of corporations that get hacked or had data stolen, is by an employee inside the company?
  • Did you also know that 7 out of 10 IT companies are hiring people in India, Pakistan and the Philippians to login remotely to your network to perform simple IT tasks, giving them full access to all of your law firms client records, financial information, employee records and if you use Voice Over IP telephones, they can listen to your calls?
  • What’s scarier to think about is that there is no proof or evidence that the IT firms that you hired to protect your network from hackers, are hacker proof themselves.
  • Did you know about the law firm that was in a hundred-million- dollar transaction and an IT contractor for the law firm was found forwarding all email correspondence and documents to the opposing law firms?
  • In 2012, there was a receptionist of a personal injury law firm, that was found forwarding calls to another personal injury law firm for 9 months.
  • Did you know that anyone you send emails to from your office network, can get your office IP address by reading the header of the email?

If you answered “No” to at least 7 out of 9 questions below, then you will find this CLE informative:

  1. As of today, can you monitor what files your receptionist, paralegals, attorneys or other staff are accessing?
  2. Have you ever had or worried about having an attorney in your office steal your clients to start their own firm?
  3. Do you perform background checks on ALL of your employees?
  4. Have you ever had a cyber security company perform a penetration
    (hacking) test?
  5. Have you or anyone in your office ever used a, or any other public email service?
  6. Do you have updated and signed computer policies for your employees?
  7. Does your IT team regularly train your employees on new security threats such as new phishing scams, choosing the right passwords or even receiving
    a social engineering phone call?
  8. Do you keep your client records in a locked room or closet with limited access from staff?
  9. Does your IT team/contractor secure your website?

    If you answered “No” to at least 5 of the 9 questions above, there is a good chance that you have already been hacked.

What You Will Learn:

  • The top 10 things that every attorney should ask their existing IT team/contractor.
  • What should be written in a contract with an outside IT contractor.
  • How to tell if your IT contractor is good or trying to sell you a bed of goods.
  • How to write employee security policies.
  • What hardware and software you should have to monitor your employees, without going through your IT Contractor.
  • How to secure your website.

Who Should Take This Course
  • Small Practitioner Firms

  • C-Level Executive Of Any Size Corporation

  • Attorneys Of Large Law Firms

  • Certified Cyber Crime Consultant

CLE Curriculum

  1. 1
    • CLE Course Discussion

    • Getting Started

    • The top 10 things that every attorney should ask their existing IT team/contractor.

    • What should be written in a contract with an outside IT contractor.

    • How to tell if your IT contractor is good or trying to sell you a bed of goods.

    • How to tell if your IT contractor is good or trying to sell you a bed of goods.

    • How to write employee security policies.

    • What hardware and software you should have to monitor your employees, without going through your IT Contractor.

    • How to secure your website.


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