If you have received a certificate in Certified Cyber Crime Consultant, Information Security Specialists, Certified Web Intelligence Analyst, Certified White Hacker or Management of Information Security then you will qualify to take the this course for free. After you complete this course you will receive a certificate as "A Master Cyber Security Entrepreneur".

This is an advance course in business, marketing and economics for students who have taken introductory business or hold a degree in business or management.

This course will give you a comprehensive preparation everyone needs to succeed in today's competitive business world. You learn the lesson of business, including management and organization, marketing, social media and e-business, information systems, accounting, and finance, the important concepts such as ethics and social responsibility, forms of ownership, small business concerns and entrepreneurship, and international business, information on the economic crisis, social networking, competition in the global marketplace, suggestions on how to manage a business in the midst of economic ups and downs.

You will learn:

  • Discuss what you must do to be successful in the world of business.
  • Examine the different phases in the typical business cycle.
  • Outline the four types of competition.
  • Summarize the factors that affect the business environment and the challenges that American businesses will encounter in the future.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships.
  • Explain the different types of partners and the importance of partnership agreements.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of partnerships.
  • Understand what is meant by business ethics.
  • Identify the types of ethical concerns that arise in the business world.
  • Discuss the factors that affect the level of ethical behavior in organizations.
  • Analyze how present employment practices are being used to counteract past abuses.
  • Describe the major types of pollution, their causes, and their cures.
  • Understand why financial management is important in today’s uncertain economy.
  • Identify a firm’s short- and long-term financial needs.
  • Summarize the process of planning for financial management.
  • Identify the services provided by banks and financial institutions for their business customers.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of short-term debt financing.
  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of equity financing.
  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of long-term debt financing.
  • Identify the steps a business must take to implement a program of social responsibility.
  • Explain how ethical decision making can be encouraged.
  • Define business and identify potential risks and rewards.
  • Define economics and describe two types of economic systems: capitalism and command economy.
  • Identify the ways to measure economic performance.
  • Describe how our current views on the social responsibility of business have evolved.
  • Explain the two views on the social responsibility of business and understand the arguments for and against increased social responsibility.
  • Discuss the factors that led to the consumer movement and list some of its results.
  • Explain the economic basis for international business.
  • Identify the various distribution channels and explain the concept of market coverage.
  • Understand how supply-chain management facilitates partnering among channel members.
  • Discuss the need for wholesalers, describe the services they provide, and identify the major types of wholesalers.
  • Distinguish among the major types of retailers and shopping centers.
  • Explain the five most important physical distribution activities.
  • Discuss the restrictions nations place on international trade, the objectives of these restrictions, and their results.
  • Examine special types of corporations, including S-corporations, limited-liability companies, and not-for-profit corporations.
  • Discuss the purpose of a cooperative, joint venture, and syndicate.
  • Explain how growth from within and growth through mergers can enable a business to expand.
  • Outline the extent of international trade and the world economic outlook for trade.
  • Summarize how a corporation is formed.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a corporation.
  • Understand the meaning of marketing and the importance of management of customer relationships.
  • Explain how marketing adds value by creating several forms of utility.
  • Trace the development of the marketing concept and understand how it is implemented.
  • Discuss international trade agreements and international economic organizations working to foster trade.
  • Define the methods by which a firm can organize for and enter into international markets.
  • Describe the various sources of export assistance.
  • Explain how integrated marketing communications works to have the maximum impact on the customer.
  • Understand the basic elements of the promotion mix.
  • Explain the three types of advertising and describe the major steps of developing an advertising campaign.
  • Identify the institutions that help firms and nations finance international business.
  • Explain what motivation is.
  • Understand some major historical perspectives on motivation.
  • Describe three contemporary views of motivation: equity theory, expectancy theory, and goal-setting theory.
  • Explain several techniques for increasing employee motivation.
  • Understand the types, development, and uses of teams.
  • Understand what markets are and how they are classified
  • Understand the two major components of a marketing strategy—target market and marketing mix.
  • Explain how the marketing environment affects strategic market planning.
  • Understand the major components of a marketing plan.
  • Describe how market measurement and sales forecasting are used.
  • Distinguish between a marketing information system and marketing research.
  • Identify the major steps in the consumer buying decision process and the sets of factors that may influence this process.
  • Explain what a product is and how products are classified.
  • Discuss the product life cycle and how it leads to new product development.
  • Define product line and product mix and distinguish between the two.
  • Identify the methods available for changing a product mix.
  • Explain the uses and importance of branding, packaging, and labeling.
  • Describe the economic basis of pricing and the means by which sellers can control prices and buyers’ perceptions of prices.
  • Identify the major pricing objectives used by businesses.
  • Examine the three major pricing methods that firms employ.
  • Explain the different strategies available to companies for setting prices.
  • Describe three major types of pricing associated with business products.
  • Examine how information can reduce risk when making a decision.
  • Discuss management’s information requirements.
  • Outline the five functions of an information system.
  • Explain why accurate accounting information and audited financial statements are important.
  • How to read and interpret a balance sheet.
  • How to read and interpret an income statement.
  • Describe business activities that affect a firm’s cash flow.
  • How managers evaluate the financial health of a business.
  • Define what a small business is and recognize the fields in which small businesses are concentrated.
  • Identify the people who start small businesses and the reasons why some succeed and many fail.
  • Assess the contributions of small businesses to our economy.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of operating a small business.
  • Explain how the Small Business Administration helps small businesses.
  • Explain the concept and types of franchising.
  • Analyze the growth of franchising and its advantages and disadvantages.

What you will receive:

If you have received a certificate in Certified Cyber Security Consultant, Information Security Specialists, Certified Web Intelligence Analyst, Certified White Hacker or Management of Information Security then you will qualify to receive a certificate as "A Master Cyber Security Entrepreneur". 

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Course Discussion

    • Business Chapter 1

  2. 2
    • Business Chapter 2

  3. 3
    • Business Chapter 3

  4. 4
    • Business Chapter 4

  5. 5
    • Business Chapter 5

  6. 6
    • Business Chapter 6

  7. 7
    • Business Chapter 7

  8. 8
    • Business Chapter 8

  9. 9
    • Business Chapter 9

  10. 10
    • Business Chapter 10

  11. 11
    • Business Chapter 11

  12. 12
    • Business Chapter 12

  13. 13
    • Business Chapter 13 - A

    • Business Chapter 13 - B

  14. 14
    • Business Chapter 14

  15. 15
    • Business Chapter 15

  16. 16
    • Business Chapter 16

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